Gain Muscle
Increase Strength
Improve Cardiovascular Fitness
Improve your Confidence
Access to Private Exclusive Facebook Group
Free Training App
Learn New Exercises
Receive Nutritional Guidance along the way
Change the Shape of Your Body
Lose Weight
Opens to All Levels
Get Leaner and more Toned
Learn New Exercises
Start Any Time
Elle Fit Coaching and Accountability is a 12 week personalized online coaching platform that provides amazing workouts and nutritional guidance for women.
Week 1-4 Focus: Muscular Endurance and Fitness
Week 5-8 Focus: Improving strength
Week 9-12 Focus: Fat burning & feeling toned
There is so much contradicting information out there on the correct way to train and workout and eat and this group will give you confidence that you are making the right choices for YOU. The workouts we focus on are created to build muscle, gain strength, improve flexibility and mobility, improve cardio vascular fitness and feel leaner. Every month we have a different focus so your workouts will reflect the goal for that month.
We will work on habit building by implementing a new habit every one to two week. If fat loss is your goal then you will find it helpful to have access to a scale with a body fat testing option so I can assist you on how to work out your macro intake. This ofcourse is optional.
You will receive guidelines and recommendations for foods that will help with your recovery, be nutritionally dense, that you personally enjoy and at times of day that are convenient for you. You must be prepared to track your food daily in order for me to give you the most effective instructions for your desired goal.
While you are in this safe space you will feel motivated, educated, inspired and empowered. Contact me here for more information or register below.
For 12 Weeks
(or $399 a month x 3 installments)
All prices are subject to tax